all postcodes in E14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E14 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E14 9LH 76 0 51.497841 -0.021603
E14 9LG 18 0 51.497327 -0.021481
E14 9LF 56 0 51.497472 -0.021576
E14 9AG 1 1 51.513161 -0.028318
E14 9FE 64 0 51.500558 -0.012639
E14 9FF 57 1 51.500679 -0.013411
E14 9FJ 16 14 51.500566 -0.011486
E14 9TP 16 15 51.500878 -0.021961
E14 9GE 69 64 51.498848 -0.014574
E14 9GL 14 12 51.494888 -0.014933
E14 9GQ 1 1 51.499399 -0.015902
E14 9GR 86 0 51.494311 -0.015964
E14 9GS 1 0 51.513161 -0.028318
E14 9HF 3 3 51.498186 -0.015407
E14 9HS 1 1 51.511024 -0.038054
E14 9JY 1 1 51.498204 -0.015406
E14 9JZ 8 0 51.509202 -0.004279
E14 9LA 1 1 51.495524 -0.015912
E14 9LB 28 0 51.49742 -0.022241
E14 9LD 28 0 51.49737 -0.021911